Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Juice Cleanse: Day 14

I am almost halfway through the juice cleanse. Yes, I'm still going strong!  I had a few days where I was just tired of the taste of juiced veggies, everything just really started to taste like it came directly from the ground (it does) but I knew I have to keep going. I also have asked myself why did I declare 30 day juice cleanse instead of 14 or something else. And the consensus among folks I asked is that it was my intuitive knowing. Simply put, I need 30 days and my body knew it so my mind followed. Whether or not thats true I don't know, but I made a goal and damnit imma stick to it!

Here are a few updates:

Acne - some gross details, you've been warned!
Still here, specifically the left side of my face is broken out pretty bad.  I did (sorry to be gross) take 2 enema's last week which is recommended on a juice fast to cleanse the colon.  I need to do more but due the snow, I'm not going anywhere to get more until the roads are safe.  I have been also taking herbal colon cleanse pills as well.  The idea is that toxins that don't get released from the colon build up and if they aren't released are reabsorbed into the body which can cause breakouts among other things.  My right side of my face cleared up dramatically after the first 2 enema's...which indicates I'm on to something. And since I hadn't been using the bathroom at all since around Day 3, I knew I needed to do something. So I took the first enema at day 9 or 10. So I plan to take them until I think the job is done.  Hopefully this will lead to clear skin along with juicing more berries and green veggies which also help. Which leads me to...

I started incorporating berries. Since you can't really juice berries, I blend them and strain them and add to whatever I juiced. For lunch today I am doing berries, kale and ginger. I purchased a bag of mixed frozen berries from Target for about $5 (saved a lot with Target Cartwheel, mobile and Target printable coupons, its about $9.99 retail!).  I haven't used a lot of berries, so I am hoping this bag lasts through the end of the week.

Going Organic
I always said the later part of my juice cleanse will feature only organic fruits and vegetables. Which I guess is the "proper" way a juice cleanse should be done. Honestly, I wasn't entirely sure that I would be able to even get this offense to myself! LOL. But I just wanted to start, without all the legalistic stuff. I made an investment in a good, but moderate priced juicer (more on that below) and jumped in.  I am going to use up all the fruits and veggies I have now before I go totally organic. So it may be closer to day 20, rather than day 15 before I start this.

There are so many juicers out there. I purchased a Black and Decker juicer for $34.99 and its doing its job just fine. I do have to cut up the fruits and such, it doesn't juice them whole. But for the price its worth it.  I probably will get another juicer that is an upgrade in time.  An awesome thing is that the juicer dropped in price about $5 since I purchased it and Amazon gave me the price difference, no problem, no questions! Gotta love that!

Colon, Liver and Kidney Flush
Over the coming days I will be focused on flushing these organs as much as I can. I want to make sure when I come out of the this cleanse, I am clean! LOL. I am actually excited about the process, it really helps me to learn more about the human body and how it works and how it becomes impaired by the stuff we eat.

I think thats it for now, if it seems like I don't update enough on the progress of the cleanse, check out my other blog Everyday Fabulous. I alternate back and forth with progress reports depending on what I'm sharing.

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