Sunday, September 8, 2013


Today is the 3rd day of trying the OCM.  I do a 50/50 mix of grapeseed and sweet almond oils.
I think tonight before I goto bed I will dab castor oil directly on my pimples. I didn't think castor oil would be good for my skin, but I read a lot about people having good results. So I'll try to the overnight method and wash it off in the morning.

My current results with the OCM is OK.  I am breaking out still, pimples haven't left but my skin overall looks way better, not as dry.  I am hoping that my acne begins to regress in a week or two.

I am eliminating diary from my diet and continuing with the elimination of all meat except fish. I may have one meal that breaks the rules but for the most part I'm done.  I also started taking fish oil supplements and a multi-vitamin.

I will win this acne battle...soon!

I will update again on Day 6.

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